So, after getting my first kill in FW, I decided that I will go do some exploration as a change!
Didn't want to leave Gall Mill so I decided on going to Serpentis Lowsec. Tweaked my fit a bit and decided on this for combat:
[Tengu, combat]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner
'Stalwart' Particle Field Magnifier
Pith C-Type Large Shield Booster
Kinetic Deflection Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters I
Medium Rocket Fuel Cache Partition I
Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node
Tengu Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer
Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay
Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix
Tengu Propulsion - Gravitational Capacitor
And this is what I usually use for travel and data/relic sites:
[Tengu, travel]
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Data Analyzer I
Relic Analyzer I
Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner
'Stalwart' Particle Field Magnifier
Pith C-Type Large Shield Booster
Explosive Deflection Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher, Sisters Core Scanner Probe
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters I
Medium Rocket Fuel Cache Partition I
Tengu Defensive - Supplemental Screening
Tengu Electronics - Obfuscation Manifold
Tengu Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration
Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix
Tengu Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers
I headed out from Dodixie and got to the non FW lowsec part of Placid. After a couple of empty (sig wise) or busy systems (pilot wise) I found one with only me in local and 3 sigs. Warped to a planet at distance and started scanning. Don't remember what two sigs were, but the last one was a Gas site. I decided to fully scan it down, and it turned out to be a Gas/Combat site, with some potential nice loot. I refit, using the mobil depot I carry around and started clearing the site.
(I have since run a similar site and got a few reactions and a drug manufacturing skillbook. Total loot was about 60MM for about 30mins. Happy days!)
After a couple if minutes, a second pilot enters local and warps straight into my site. Instantly approaches and points me in his Maulus! "Oh crap, what is he doing!" I act quick: Lock, and shoot him with Rage missiles. Didn't want to waste time loading Javelins. He is dropping waaaay too slowly... Then suddenly 8-9 EVE-Uni pilots enter the system. I realize the issue and tell my girlfriend that I'm going to loose the Tengu! (she knows its my most expensive ship). I align toward a stargate just in case.
At this point I'm totally panicking and thinking of ways I can escape. During these 3-4 seconds other EVE-Uni ships start entering the site (I remember seeing a Hawk) I don't realize but the Maulus is dieing pretty steadily and then to my surprise he explodes! I act quick and initiate warp! I'm outta there! I was raised on WoW so I always troll when I get the chance "EVE uni fail!" goes into local by me :) No reply though :(
As a land on gate the message comes up that I can't jump because I was just recently killing someone :) There is also an EVE-Uni Thorax on the gate! "Oh common! Don't mess it up now!" I decide to initiate warp across the system toward the other gate. The Thorax luckily doesn't act so I get into the long warp. The timer expires and I happily jump to the next system (no idea which one). There are again a couple of EVE Uni ships on the grid! "You gotta be kiddin me!" I spam warp to dock into a station and manage to get away! I log off and tell my GF the story and that I'll need to go back to my mobile depot!
My situational awareness is getting much better now. Shooting the Maulus asap and aligning instantly was a huge move! Without the align I would have got tackled by the Hawk (but who know, maybe this would have happened: Sick s***!. Was happy to get my second solo kill. Even though it was just a Tengu vs Maulus :)
Fly on!
That's a great story. Glad you didn't lose your ship. You might have surprised them as much as they surprised you! You may know this already, but EVE Uni has a LowSec campus in Placid so you may be seeing a lot of them if hang around there. (